Mostly boobs has got to be one of my all time favourite (favorite for my friends across the pond) things to hear. I cant help but get just a tad bit elated when someone says to me, “You need to check out this lass, she’s mostly boobs”. My head spins round, I start salivating like a rabid dog, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end! This, dear friends, is the life of a bona fide tit man!
Now being a tit man isn’t about size, in fact, I’m an equal opportunity tit man. I like small ones, medium sized ones, large ones and hardly even there ones. Which brings us round to Alishap!! She’s 24 and from London City, England! You’d expect her to choose her words more carefully considering that we’re “almost” from the same neck of the woods and would have been more closely related had it not been for Mel Gibson in Braveheart!
Anyway, I digress … “Mostly boobs” she says in the title of her contri and I automatically read this, in the MOST NATURAL context (to me), to mean SHE’S mostly all boobs! Not the case! Alishap falls somewhere in between small ones and hardly even there ones! Alishap, I forgive your improper use of the phrase … mostly because you’re pretty and you have a vagina!!
So here is Alishap with here in between boobies …
see all alishap’s tittie picsTags: brunette, piercings, small tits