Hotlover wants to know if she looks sexy in glasses and I’d like to go on record as stating: “I’d bang you if you had milk bottles attached to your eyes”! …. and I HATE milk!!! Now back to the important parts, namely, your breasts!! They have a lot of explaining to do! Like why they’re all the way over in Texas and why they aren’t in my hands! I’ve not seen a pair of tits I’d lick my screen for in a very very long time and these … well they came close to compelling me! Now folks, hotlover isn’t just a nice pair of tits; she’s also a very pretty young woman with a great body, great hair, great legs AND an AWESOME pair of tits!! See for yourself … check out all of hotlover’s pics...
Posts Tagged "brunette"
Notymilf‘s Project Voyeur profile lists her as a 25 year old from Florida and at first I was like, “a 25 year old milf???” !! So I took a minute to stop thinking what her profile picture would look like with my cock in her mouth and I realised that, “yeah she COULD be a milf at 25!!” If you’d like to see more info or pictures of this hottie, then please check out her profile – in the mean time, here’s a pic to keep you warm in this freakishly cold weather! see more of notymilf on...
Hottest tattoo girl is the title of this contribution and while I’m not entirely sure if she is the “hottest”, I will concede that she is very hot indeed! She has a beautiful pair of mammaries, a pretty face and a vagina so she pretty much ticks all the right boxes for me. So now I’ll combine all of the above with the fact that this beautiful woman is in a bath and bada bing, bada boom (just in case Tony Soprano is reading this), it’s an instant erection!! ….. Because of the beautiful woman in the bath obviously and NOT because Tony might be reading this! That would be weird! Anyway, here she is … see more of the beautiful tattoo...
New girlfriends are always fun: the unbelievable sex, the thinking about them when they aren’t near you, the flutter you get when you hear their voice and most importantly, that “new girlfriend smell”!! Okay okay, I made most of that up … with the exception of the unbelievable sex! So today we have a beautiful young lady from Moscow and I just have to say what a pleasure it is to have such a multicultural diversity of pretty breasts, arses and vaginas to look at! It almost makes me cry to think how far we’ve come as a species! Thank you Al Gore for inventing the internet!! Anyway, the Russian hottie girlfriend – here she is: check out the hot new russian...
Marnie is a strikingly beautiful 22 year old amateur babe from Utah. There is something very appealing about her and I’m not sure if it’s her sexy eyes, her cute smile or her tits! I’ll just stick with the tits coz 9 times out of 10 it’s always the tits! You’re going to love this contribution from Marnie because there isn’t getting much sexier than a naked woman in the bath … with the obvious exception of a naked woman in the bath with ME! But you’re not here to see me in the bath so to erase that thought from your mind let me tell you what you can expect when you click to see all of her pictures …. two words – shaved pussy – running faucet! see more of marnie naked in the...